underworked piece of a map, that will further on will be used for something greater that it is now. Do share anything that in your opinion would make it better
The BLU and RED mercanaries have been invited to come relax at some suspicious "hotel resort" without knowing each other will be attending! They will not be happy to see eachother... Probably...
Just another silly map by me, I made this one for fun in the last two weeks or so, its actually...
With this pack, you can also create maps in this style!
-About 94 custom made, original assets, including remade TF2 items, such as item pickups, custom bomb model, resupply/battlements signs and resupply cabinet!
-Prop zoo vmf
-About 50+ Cartoony Textures
Dont forget to check...
Slop & Slime?... in TF2? You heard it right! A new, and completely original, full-conversion TF2 Payload map!
This is a little "made for fun" art project, or call it what you will, thing for TF2. I will continue to polish and update it with time when I can, however, I never really intended...
This is a new map I've been working on for a while now: Manor of Mischief!
My newest addition to my "manor of" series. New custom content, art, rooms, models, collectibles, and so much more, all ready to be explored with others!
Features a lot of characters, drawings and models that I have...
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