
  1. hutty

    cp_subscatter a5

    A 4cp attack/defense map that contains a mysterious malfunctioning device The device is a "Temporal Reactor" on a 20sec cycle it violently shoots out spokes in all directions breaking various walls and opening routes. And then 20sec later reverses its local time to pull the spokes back in...
  2. hutty

    cp_mist rc1e-compressed

    A competitive 5 cp map with a jungle theme. cp_mist is a 5cp map that has some unique aspects to the layout that differentiate it from the typical well or badlands 5cp designs.
  3. hutty

    ctf_spacemine A8

    A mid size ctf map with a unique layout
  4. hutty

    DeepWoods A4

    This map takes place in a cramped yet defend-able forest. First take the outpost building, then move upwards towards the base.
  5. hutty

    Past 72hr Jam Entry ctf_lakebed version 0024 (b1)

    A fort-style ctf map that takes place in a dried lake. This is a 72 hour entry and is currently in an unfinished state (but is perfectly playable)