
  1. Ponds34

    Combine Alpha 3

    A small CTF-Arena Hybrid map where you need to take your intel to the enemy teams capture zone to win.
  2. Ismaciodismorphus

    Rock 3 A1

    A unofficial sequel to the acclaimed tfc map The rock2, The rock3 features the very Hungary rock who needs a snack so he decided to eat both Red and Blu team. As you fall (or explode into a million pieces because the other teleported into you) you must realize you cannot escape the maximum...
  3. Cincomma

    Trouble with Areaportals

    I've been mapmaking for a while now, and there was one thing I avoided doing due to it always inevitably failing; areaportals. I tried to use them on Flurry, but they all appeared closed when I ran the map. I didn't take any screenshots of it, but they all were closed. When I tried to remove a...
  4. Little Pixel

    Need help on how to make areas where engis can't build

    So I don't know how to make areas where engis can't build, that's pretty much the only thing I need to know right now. If someone is willing to help, I'd be very grateful!