
  1. Blinx

    Controlling animated textures in Hammer

    In this guide, I'm going to show you how you can manipulate animated textures in Hammer itself, such as making them start and stop, making them jump to a specific frame, and altering their frame rate. 1 - Preparing the VMT file VMT files need to have a specific Proxy attached to them so that...
  2. 200

    Seamless Hexagon Force Field textures 1.0

    A force field texture I made for my map. I had a very hard time finding anything like this so I thought I could share it. Fits well with space themed textures. Comes in a 6 colours: blue, red, cyan, orange, yellow and green. Also packed with a sample map where you can walk and check them out...
  3. Lucia

    Model I need a Model animated

    models/props_doomsday/dd_woodfence_short_256.mdl This model would need an animation of just being destroyed, and the debris flying in one fixed direction. I'm making a MVM map, and the tank is supposed to drive through it. Here a screen of where the fence it's standing.
  4. Werewolf

    Is there a way to make an animated texture start at a specified point via in input?

    So I'm using an animated texture on a large func_brush that is disabled by default. When it's enabled it of course displays the animated texture on it, but the problem is that it often the texture is half way though the animation. What I want to know is if there is some way to force it to start...