2 stage

  1. Auwi

    Multi Stage Lamworth a12

    I had an itch to make a map so I figured I'd try out for the contest. 2 Stage a/d map set in a district of London. Designed for Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck. Gameplay Cards Featured: #1: Map has second stage #4: Active spawnroom directly below/above active objective (Red's stage 1...
  2. GuardianAngel

    pl_conclave b6b

    Entry for the Stack the deck event. Red is hiding on the steep slopes of this canyon. Hidden within is a secret rocket silo that Red plan to use to destroy the nearby rail bridge. 2 stage payload Gameplay cards: 1. Map has at least 2 stages 2. At least 3 objectives in a single stage 3. At...
  3. MegapiemanPHD

    Gila 2023-12-09

    2 stage payload created for TFConnect 2 Double Trouble. Stage one created by Kinneb Stage two created by MegapiemanPHD Extra Gameplay Overlays Pack by Lizard of Oz
  4. TFD

    Multi Stage tfdstackman_mc25 a1b

    Lil Chew Chew is going for a swim. Then he sets his sights on a frog.
  5. Suna

    Multi Stage Rappolt A3

    CURRENTLY ONLY ONE STAGE UNTIL THE GAMEPLAY IS REFINED 2ND STAGE WILL BE MADE IN FUTURE What's spookier than skeletons? More mesmerising than Merasmus? More... lockulus than monoculus? The answer? Nothing, really. BUT THIS MAP WILL STILL SCARE YOUR SOCKS OFF! Literally. I've had to buy many...