Vbsp crash


L1: Registered
Jan 6, 2009
Hi guys

I'm new to the whole forum thing so im just getting my head around posting new threads, so i apologise for this not being the most interesting post in the world...

Right, down to business...

Basically I've been using Hammer now on and off for a few months making maps for CSS and TF2. Recently Hammer, being the darling that it is has decided that it no longer wants to compile my maps! How dare it! :blink:

I have spent nearly a solid week trying to find a solution to this vbsp.exe crash and although i have found a few threads mentioning it, not 1 has been the same problem as mine (they tend to get further into compiling, mine crashes right after it gives you the date, after "4 threads") and neither has a solution been found.

I signed up here as you all seem to be a knowledgable bunch, and I would love to help along with the community, but when maps don't compile, i don't have much to offer :(

If you could all just please throw some ideas at me, I would be forever grateful and I'm sure many others would be as well, due to the lack of cover on the internet.

(I have tried suggested methods on the internet and have reinstalled steam, SDK, everything needed, and even did a system restore)

Thanks in advance!


Sep 10, 2008
If vbsp crashes for any map (have you tried it with others?) just try re-installing the SDK


L1: Registered
Jan 6, 2009
If vbsp crashes for any map (have you tried it with others?) just try re-installing the SDK

I have, I said at the bottom, that didn't work.

It happens for any map i try to compile, even cp_game_entities which i tried as a test, and the same problem occurs :(


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 14, 2008
Did you properly set the target game (in the source SDK) ? Specifically, Orange Box - TF2.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Verify and/or defrag and/or refresh SDK. (though if you've reinstalled I'm not sure this will help)
Make sure you have the engine/game set right as Apom said.
Doublecheck the build programs tab in the Hammer options. (should point to the correct engine sub-directory)
Do VVIS and VRAD crash? (tell VBSP not to run, and see if they crash or just error)
Have you many any software/hardware/driver changes around the time it began? No idea what could cause it but it's an idea.


L1: Registered
Jan 6, 2009
Verify and/or defrag and/or refresh SDK. (though if you've reinstalled I'm not sure this will help)
Make sure you have the engine/game set right as Apom said.
Doublecheck the build programs tab in the Hammer options. (should point to the correct engine sub-directory)
Do VVIS and VRAD crash? (tell VBSP not to run, and see if they crash or just error)
Have you many any software/hardware/driver changes around the time it began? No idea what could cause it but it's an idea.

I checked the paths and they appear to be fine. Could be possible graphic driver change but with the delay on the problem id have thought it would be something else, as i was compiling before and after driver update...

When compiling after vbsp crashes and the "send error report" window pops up, it gives me the option to continue (yes/no) to which i have tried both and get the same effect. (this also happens when i have told bsp not to run)

I don't know how to put the text into this window without making it a huge reply so ive attached it instead.


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 14, 2008
Oh yeah, that error. Usually it's a displacement turned into a fund_detail (or some other entity). Try turning all displacements off (with auto group) and compiling.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Oh yeah, that error. Usually it's a displacement turned into a fund_detail (or some other entity). Try turning all displacements off (with auto group) and compiling.
There technically isn't a problem error there. VVIS, VRAD and Windows are giving they error they are because the BSP doesn't exist, because VBSP crashed before it could. VBSP however doesn't give any errors, and he says it happens with any map for multiple games, so it's not something in a map causing it.

I'm pretty stumped though. Try adding the -verbose option to VBSP to see if it says anything else before the crash.


L1: Registered
Jan 6, 2009
I'm pretty stumped though. Try adding the -verbose option to VBSP to see if it says anything else before the crash.

The -verbose option doesnt seem to have worked, the same error occurs. The error message holds no helpful information as to even hinting at the problem.

I decided to try and compile CSS with -verbose (forgetting it wasnt installed) and it allowed me to do so! So now it just seems to be TF2...

I have a lot of MDMP files from the VBSP crashes as well, although i have no idea what to do with these... I know roughly what they are about after looking them u when my CSS used to crash consistently a while back.

I dont really know what im looking at or for but here is the text document with the info on it:
Last edited:


L1: Registered
Jan 6, 2009
LATEST UPDATE *23.01.09*

hammer compiles my maps!!! :O

I have done nothing to help it, nothing seemed to work, and it works! its alive!