Custom Gamemodes


L1: Registered
Jul 4, 2019
I dont have much experience mapping, and yes I understand custom gamemodes are more advanced.
But can someone give me ideas for gamemodes later on?


L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
I'm also new, but I do love creating concepts! A few ideas
A: A payload gamemode that can only be pushed when a point is capped
B: A payload that actually has health
C: A gamemode where you're in the beam, and get lowered when hit. Make sure to blast "We're in the beam!" over and over


L4: Comfortable Member
May 19, 2019
There's also the classic Tug of War payload...

The finale for def_not_eotl (cp_snowplow's early version) had a KotH section at the finale... maybe try a CP map where the final point is a 30 second KotH?

AF_ (AprilFools) is a gamemode where you have to whack objects into pits to score.

DTF (Defend the flag) where the goal is to hold onto the flag and get as many kills as possible. (25 kills and the team with the flag wins!)

CPL (Control Point Payload) is a mode similar to Steel which I came up with. You push a Payload cart to make capping the final control point easier.


41 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
This concept might prove some fun: A "steering" gamemode.

This would have you trying to steer or move something, like an train or a herd of cattle, by using some type of control. Like making a herd of cows run to a control point you just capped. You can't move the object backwards, just forwards.

So you'd make the object go form point A to point B.

But the real fun is getting them to the other teams base whilst defending the points the other team must cap to move their object. So the map would basically be split in half, with each team capturing points to move there deadly machine or whatever, whiling not allowing the other team to.

Any questions? I'll be glad to answer them :) Its a bit strange, but could be fun for a joke map of sorts.


L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016

e.g. 3 or 5 control points, each one controlled decreases your timer by 1 second per second (so if you own 2 points, your timer goes down twice as fast)

Or alternatively, an easier, but similar mode you can make is Factory Control. Using Robot Destruction logic + a capture point, make it so the point produces RD points for the team that owns it, which then must be carried back to base to score. Add more points to get a Multikoth-esque mode.


L1: Registered
Jul 24, 2019
How about a payload race map that only proceeds with kills? Give it a team deathmatch vibe, while at the same time keeping some core TF2 mechanics.