Waffe's Garden of the Dead


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 2, 2012
Have some maps!

cp_insight_192: pre-alpha


More pics:
Last, no lights

An untested pre-alpha 5CP map taking place in a ravine-like cave.

I made this after making cp_sleekcrete, so this was my second attempt at 5CP. I had very little planned for this map, except that it would be in a jungle/aztec temple/abandoned military bunker kind of theme. This is when I started developing pl_coalbed, so I pushed this one aside.

Open project, no credits necessary (a special thanks would be preferred).


Trivia: Since I draw my maps before making them in Hammer, I have to scale things accordingly from the paper to Hammer. That's what the _192 prefix stands for, 1 square = 192 units


pl_martialkombat_72_a3: alpha


More pics:
B point
Last point

Like the name suggests, a 72h payload map (summer 2014) set in Mars. The objective is to destroy a crashed UFO that RED has been investigating (or something like that)

This one got plenty of votes (it was around 5th place or so), and I honestly didn't know why. I personally detest this map for it's boring openness and unimaginative layout. People liked it, so therefore I'll give it away for someone else to work on. Note: C and last were thought to be the worst points.

Open project, no credits necessary (a special thanks would be preferred).



pl_waffe_72_a3: alpha


Second pic

My first 72h map using a circuit-payload gamemode.

Oh god this map is ass. But here it is nonetheless. Fighting areas were ok, but the objective was as good as broken. I hate this one, I really do. But, as my first 72h map, I felt really proud of it (until I got to play it)

Open project, DON'T give credit (I never made this abomination)





DOWNLOAD a3_vmf.zip

THREAD : http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=22006

My first proper map, an ambitious 3 stage PL map where you start in the blistering cold and push your way into the scolding hot.

The map needed to be upscaled, everywhere. I was too lazy to do it at the time and left it to rot. I think this map is ok, but nothing special. (it will always hold a special place in my heart though :p )

Open project, give credit
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(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I'm picking up pl_martialkombat.


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015
what is a circuit payload?


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015

and you know what payload is. So basicly, you push the cart alongside a track (forever and ever, or when the time runs out)

Oh, okay. I might pick it up, seems to have potential. Any info about it? Complaints? I'd just like to know any player feedback you got.
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L5: Dapper Member
Dec 2, 2012
The thing is, the track has a defined end point. I just teleported the cart back to the start and reset the points. I noticed when making the logic for pl_waffe that the train_watcher didn't approve of a circular path and made the map crash on load. I learned to fix that when making tc_caprock, using toggleable branch paths to "stop" the train_watcher from crashing

Oh, okay. I might pick it up, seems to have potential. Any info about it? Complaints? I'd just like to know any player feedback you got.

Complaints: Spawns, never ending rounds, lighting, lack of flow creating a messy deathmatch (hightower-syndrome)


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015
The thing is, the track has a defined end point. I just teleported the cart back to the start and reset the points. I noticed when making the logic for pl_waffe that the train_watcher didn't approve of a circular path and made the map crash on load. I learned to fix that when making tc_caprock, using toggleable branch paths to "stop" the train_watcher from crashing

Complaints: Spawns, never ending rounds, lighting, lack of flow creating a messy deathmatch (hightower-syndrome)

Whats wrong with the lighting? Seemed rather fine, if a bit too bright. Spawns are definately issues, but I have an idea on how to fix the never ending rounds at the same time.

New name: pl_electron. Will start on it eventually, as I still have some stuff to do.

My first map is very nearing completion; all that's left is the lights, spawn area, and area/optimisation stuff! Then your map :)
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