CP ArtPass_Treythepunkid


L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2010
Clearly TechnoLeak you have no idea what you are talking about. The logical reason between each prop helps build immersion in the map. If you start questioning an objects placement and puprose, it breaks immersion. Also most of models are WIP, and even still they look good.

PS: You said you didn't have an account here. Liar.

Clearly Peligrino you are an amateur map maker attempting to get involved in an argument you know nothing about. The immersion is brought about through the theme, as long as the props match the theme then that's all that matters. Statements like "It's going to run out of fuel" and "Why is it just hovering there" are stupid and pointless. You might as well ask, "Why are they trying to capture the center of nucleus, capturing the very middle of an area gives you no strategic advantage". I think people like you are just trying to shoot down creativity the moment it pops up. If it were up to you, every tf2 map would have wooden shacks and rocky dessert terrain like so many other generic maps. Also, your "most of the models are WIP" argument is stupid because if I don't give feedback on the models during the WIP stage then my feedback is useless isn't it?

PS: I made an account right after you asked me if I had one. Amateur.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 8, 2008
That's a massive waste of fuel though. Why not just remain grounded and then start to hover when the next shipment is ready?

I would think the 20 minutes of waiting for the BLUs to lose would be worth the fuel rather than having to hold the REDs up on the helicopter coming back for when the factory starts back up. :p

Besides i don't think a grounded stationary helicopter would give the same effect. If i have it hovering you know its practically just gotten there. If its grounded and stationary who KNOWS how long its been sitting there.


L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2010
TechoLeak received an infraction? Thats cool an all, but were actually really good friends and it was a friendly argument. So some admin remove it.

On a more relevant note, Lemmines actually suggested a really good idea that could work well with the helicopter. Rather than having it hover right above the point, build a huge above area like in Upward, but place the helicopter right there. Its out of sight and doesn't distract anyone, but is still in good use as people can look above and enjoy the wonderful detailing.

Mr. P. Kiwi

L5: Dapper Member
Nov 22, 2009
On a more relevant note, Lemmines actually suggested a really good idea that could work well with the helicopter. Rather than having it hover right above the point, build a huge above area like in Upward, but place the helicopter right there. Its out of sight and doesn't distract anyone, but is still in good use as people can look above and enjoy the wonderful detailing.

That's a nice idea, but you can also make it as a reward for the BLU/RED team when they win, by making it a final cinematic of the helicopter landing there shaking the ground (and the trees) and something nice that the hellicopter would do.
And if that sentence was not long enough look at the next one!
Just think about it, and keep up the amazing work!


L2: Junior Member
Aug 26, 2008
Why not have the helicopter come by at random times, as if it's in a holding pattern?


L1: Registered
Aug 11, 2010
Hey, It looks incredible so far. If you decide to stray away from the helicopter, why not go with a crane and a truck visible from the ground? It could be interesting to have a big old crane mounted outside or even to an inner wall and it would be static. Not to say i don't love the helicopter, cause i do. Also if you wanted to make the heli more aggressive you could maybe add a comical grabber hook to the bottom... maybe even two arms where you would see missiles on a newer heli possibly.

At any rate, keep it up... looks amazing. and haters gonna hate :-D


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 8, 2008
Hey, im still working on it. Will update tomorrow or the day after that. I want to get more done before i get feedback on my stuff.

Been a bit busy slacking off/making a satellite.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 8, 2008
Hey guys, haven't said much in awhile. I have been too busy jizzing over all of Wharks map pictures. That theme = genius.

Anyway, here is a update on my map.



Started to lightly detail and play around with geometry. Its pretty minimal atm.

Also here is a something i have been working on as well.


I have big plans for that area, i like big open spaces. The inside areas where really getting to me.

Thats all for now!


Sep 11, 2013
I am afraid that snake might be too much of a gameplay alteration, because whenever someone sees it they are just gonna shoot it for a minute or two.


L3: Member
Jul 26, 2010
I'm wondering how your getting all of this stuff done. You're making props for other people, props for yourself.. You're insane:)


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 8, 2008
Awesome snake is awesome. Would you do one up in Boa Constrictor green for my entry? ;D

I would love too! Just hit me up with a pm and we can get it all arranged. Should be as simple as me upping the size of my snake, changing the skin and animating it to fit your map!

I'm wondering how your getting all of this stuff done. You're making props for other people, props for yourself.. You're insane:)

Haha your the insane one! Your theme is amazing! I swear to god its one of the best i have seen.


L3: Member
Sep 20, 2008
This stuff you're creating is incredibly daunting. I mean, its all just spectacular. And compare that with my humble little entry, the one I haven't even gotten up to posting yet; it just makes me all the more sad.

Oh well, no point in not trying I suppose.