Zeus' Smissmas Goodies 2022-11-17
Merry something something
As seen on Snowyfest, Workshop, and Rumford Snowy!
- Snowman Large
- Snowman Small
- Wreath Small
- Candy Cane Large
- Candy Cane Medium
- Gift boxes with 5 skins and 7 sizes / shapes
- Wreath
- Christmas Light Texture for move_rope
- Garland / Tinsel texture for move_rope
- Zoo
The gift boxes are sized to be the same as commonly used props: barrel_crate, barrel_crate_half, water_barrel, miningcrate001 and miningcrate002
- Snowman Large
- Snowman Small
- Wreath Small
- Candy Cane Large
- Candy Cane Medium
- Gift boxes with 5 skins and 7 sizes / shapes
- Wreath
- Christmas Light Texture for move_rope
- Garland / Tinsel texture for move_rope
- Zoo
The gift boxes are sized to be the same as commonly used props: barrel_crate, barrel_crate_half, water_barrel, miningcrate001 and miningcrate002