
Woodworks a4

  • Made the point capture slightly faster
  • Added a small bit of detail at middle
  • Moved the medkit and ammo pack under mid to be easier to get
  • Changed the upper spawn doors to window doors
  • Removed the railing in spawn
  • Fixed announcer
  • Changes to Mid
    - Deepened the pit further
    - Made the backsides higher to introduce some "high ground"
    - Moved the health and ammo pack under mid slightly
    - Converted two shipping containers into sheds for more cover and interesting gameplay
  • Added some textures
  • Added some wood props
  • Modified and added some signage
Changelog :

Added a dip in the ground beneath the point
Added two sheds near the ramps at mid for cover and for Gameplay™
Widened the upper door at mid on both sides
Changed the window textures since they were broken (They are probably custom textures but I don't care atm)
Added some signage to the side routes out of spawn
Fixed the resupply lockers on BLU side