I can't believe it! You can build on Chevron once again! I still kind of wish there were spawn turrets that killed you if you fail the get out of spawn skillcheck because that was a crucial part of Waco in Team Fortress Classic and QuakeWorld. Then again, the Yellow (ATF) and Green (VALVe) teams don't exist in the Team Fortress 2 version that spawn out of Chevron (which, once again, this map desperately needs). I know this retarded ass gamemode is probably a personal favorite and very nostalgic for the map maker but he does seriously need to grow up and just make the map Capture the Flag again. I really miss hitting crazy rollouts on Yejib and taking the Brotherhood of Arms teleporter to the top of Donaire to get to the little flags that were on the walls on the edge of the map. Spent most of my younger years doing that over and over again for 16 hours straight on the daily. When I played this map professionally I was the top of my game. I'd reel in duovigintillions of dollars from each LAN as several hundred thousands of people would pour into the stadiums to watch me frag on Team Fortress Classic. There was this guy named Benny who was my adorbz ballz arch nemesis back then. He would hit all of these bajobious air jings as Box Tony on the enemy team and my Mutions would be like YEJIB WE NEED AIR SUPPORT!!!! and I would conc jump all the way from my spawn and shred their entire team with nails in my wake. That reminds me..... if it isn't too much for the map maker, could you please add in the nailgun for Yejib? It was the most OP business in the Classic and we really need this back for Waco. Also please readd concussion grenades for at least Yejib and The Virus Tool for MaBeef (but make it to where friendly MaBeefs can't cure you of The Ailment so it's balanced). Thanks.