
Uplift A10

Added windows to doors
Added more health to middle area
Added clipping to walkable areas
Added ramps out of The Pit for non-mobility classes
Added a little detailing, as a treat

Removed health near an entrance to help with spawn camping
Removed some routes and redundant areas
Removed grate in spawns

Fixed minis shooting through pipe

Changed position of a spawn exit
Fixed grate texture not showing in spawn

Clipped areas

Changed final area slightly

Added easier route to high ground to counter lifts
Added secondary route to lifts
Added routes to better connect lift areas to main area (hopefully to encourage fighting between the areas)
Removed 4th spawn exit overlooking cart

Added route to new balcony to last (from 3rd spawn exit)

Changed colour of lifts at start
Changed if cap point models are visible
Changed where players spawn to better show routes

Removed rollforward zone near spawn

Fixed logic issues on elevator

Added signage
Changed start location of carts
Changed end location for lifts
Changed spawn locations
Changed spawn exits

Added health and ammo
Changed the layout around where the cart starts
Changed overall respawn time to 5 seconds

Removed checkpoint doo
Removed setup time

Added more pipe gameplay

Various other changes I forgot I did
Changed collision on windows
Changed respawn times (this will change on the checkpoint) You will start with 4 second respawns and it'll go up to 7 once your team reaches a checkpoint which allows the other team to catch up
Changed the speed of the lift

Removed confusing signs in spawn

Added a dropdown
Added some health to the PipeArea
Added cutouts to the lifts to allow players to shoot down
Added a checkpoint to allow more flow to the cart
Added a highground route to the start area
Added a route to the pipe gameplay area
Added gameplay areas around the corner building (pipe gameplay area)

Fixed a cabinet model being tiny?
Fixed Z-fighting

Removed a fence near the cart lift
Removed a fence near the carts

Changed the distance between the spawn and the cart
Added a rollback zone to near the elevators
Added signs to (hopefully) make it easier to find the elevator

Changed the size of spawnbrushes so they cover the entire inside of spawn
Changed the setup time to 5 seconds
Changed the lift's speed to 45 from 90
Changed spawn locations to be closer to the action
Changed the lighting to day
Changed the distance when the cart becomes available again to push after crossing
Changed the size of the starting area and some of the inner area
Changed the height of a roof so players are not confused why they can stand somewhere
Changed the size of the areas around the lift to allow more space

Removed the windows near last to allow firing down onto the carts
Removed models for cap zones

Fixed an issue where the opposite team cannot stop a cart from moving