
Unrailed A5

  • Fixed bugs where the cart drifted apart (now they ram into each other!)
  • Changed the way the game works. Now the carts go faster the more tracks they have stored, which encourages efficiency and is more granular than the "first to have enough tracks wins"
  • Fixed sounds! Finally, no more snd_restart is needed every 3 minutes
- Reduced cactus health
- Made spy "jumps" less janky
- Reduced the safe zone a bit
Fixed some stuff, like Medic having access to their weapons, increased the safe zone size a bit, built cubemaps, all that.
Thanks a lot to everyone who participated in the test. Here are a few improvements:
  • Made trains stop instead of crash. The goal is now to be the first to reach the end
  • Remade the speed logic to be better based on the number of players
  • Added a cap zone to the storage cart to make capping resources easier
  • Added a HUD indication that you are carrying wood or rocks
  • Made everyone melee-only except Sniper, Spy, Medic, and Engineer
  • Made teleporters bidirectional
  • Added fences to the first two tiles to make the start less hectic
Here's a list of things I tried but failed so far:
  • Making cactus breakable and making them drop health kits
  • Making the props tint on damage