Things I changed: Clipped some stairs I missed Greatly raised the skybox tried to smooth out the main hill (note "tried", I'll probably have to do it again later) separated the "point flank" sewer from the "backline flank" sewers to try to simplify things a bit made all lightbulb props (that weren't so obscenely high up that it wouldn't matter) nonsolid -widened some doorways added another doorway into the room containing the "point flank" hole to further incentivize use added two spectator cameras, will add more later added an Easter Egg frawg now has a light so he can be seen in all this glory Thanks, and have fun! Again, this is my second map ever, so feedback of any sort is greatly appreciated.
Apparently I was using WAY too many cubemaps, so I deleted all of them and replaced them with way fewer ones. I'll have an a2 ready in a couple days hopefully. this is just to take care of that issue before the next playtest.