
tow_antimatter B14

Unlike my B2 Version - this one is packed with all the custom textures, models, nav file for bots, etc

reloaded the b2 zip folder to include a nav file for those who wanted to play with bots
Fixed a couple of mis-aligned textures.

Fixed one spawnroom door to always allow players out but not neccessarily back in depending on cart location

Added in timer modification to add in 30 seconds at two more points to increase the chance opposite team capture and complete the round.
Version Beta 1 is now released


- arrows now point the way to the cart
- hud hints are also added in to help players know where the cart is
- modifications made to reactor rooms allowing for big battles/chokes and engy set ups
- track that the cart rides on top of completely redone to fit in more with the sci-fi look
- modifications to red or blue bridge capture points made to separate the payload track to lesson confusion for players as to which way the cart is realy moving and for what team
- in keeping with the above line, part of the track is now a brush, which disappears when blu/red capture the bridge, path_track now disabled, visual text appears on screen telling players that cart can now only be controlled by the team that captures the point like a regular payload map.
- doors to the bidge area (Room 01) are in place at the start of the map so that players won't get lost and will help funnel players into the proper combat zones - these will open and close depending on cart location throughout the map.
- on end cap, payload mass is increased to help the cart fall into the pit < there were a couple of times that the cart would fly through the air instead of down into the pit.
- big boom modification < it's now BIGGER!!!
- re-oriented one of the spawn rooms to allow bots to exit easier id a server is running with bots - nav file for bots is included in the zip file
- more detailing, props, etc. added in along with arrow and sign overlays, I have used someone's overlay's in some spots - if you recognize them please let me know who they belong to so I can give them credit
- modified light in skybox to show the floating asteriods, spaceships, etc in the main game area.
- setup timer reduced to about ten seconds < no real need in a tug of war map = instant battle for everyone AND it really instills engineering teamwork to get stuff built fast
- main bridge battle area < added in some ramps to allow non-jumping classes get back up on the balcony and flank through the upper access points in the reactor rooms, helps lesson the pressure on the one choke doorway coming off the bridge
- added in some frogs
- added in 4 death pits in reactor core room (2 in each) via an open space hatch, fall in and teleported to space to die due to lack of air - these smae hatches can also be found in the secound spawn rooms for jumping classes although they will be too busy playing the game at that point.
- modified glass in teleportation chutes
- wall plug joke added in for teleporter power
- added in a alien flyby and the Gman is spying on you somewhere
- fixed spinning warning lights at last cap point for both teams
- Oh yeah, also put in a custom payload model

Thanks again to Tyler and ICS for helping me out with a lighting issue.

Enjoy peeps!
Based on A3 gameplay tetsing feedback A4 changes are:

  • directional arrows point to the cart - no longer ugly and look like cyrstals and no collision so you won't get stuck on them
  • removed most custom textures
  • checked all health / ammo packs - they now give proper outputs
  • Middle bridge will stay open - this is my total carnage playground :)
  • Arrowballs now player clipped
  • Tele exits will now group players together on exit
  • modified both 2nd spawn rooms easier for players/bots to get out plus added some windows and you can see space via the hatch in the ceiling
  • 2nd spawn room doors always active since the cart has a speed boost on it
  • resupply signs added in
  • text hints added in game to let players know what's going on
  • reconfigured speed boost on payload more players = much faster
  • entered in terminal node so when cart reaches point x 1 team looses control of the cart, other team pushes to victory like a standard payload map
  • setup timer lowered and set to 10 secs to let players read objective at start
  • added in a surprise player death trap - can't tell you about it because it's a surprise!
  • more detailing on the map
Edit - changed my mind here are some screenshots:



Ok - a big update for you.

- removed all dynamic signs - no more sign spam
- replaced the above using a dynamic pointer system using dynamic_light and func_brush
- you now have arrows around the map in various places that point to where the cart is exactly < really helps you navigate to where you need to go.

A special note of thanks goes out to Coding Ethan who was finally able to put together a working version for me to use/modify - see this thread for how it was done:

- more texture work
- modified drop chute teleporter extits so you can get out easier/faster
- put some windows into the spawn room
- modified last caps both sides so that cart will fall info the pit more
- moved some health/ammo pack for easier player/bot access, add in some more
- fixed red spawn door opening when blue touched it
- fixed a broken regen cabinet
- added in some more posters
- added in a flying saucer
- added in some more observer points giving some reverse angle shots
- improved some of the geometry of a couple of brushes
- added a nav file into the zip file, try maxplayers 30, and tf_bot_quota 30, then run map and join spectate to watch a battle royal at the bridge


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My apologies peeps, I forgot to pack the map - map now packed - if you have already downloaded, just replace the bsp files :)

Same version # A2
Nothing in the way of new screenshots but here's what's new:

- thanks to your help, I fixed the issue of the payload cart blowing up at the start of the round
- announcer bug fixed - she no longer keeps telling you time is added when it isn't.
- fixed track logic - payload can now be pushed by both teams - from start to finish both ways
- added in the ammo / health packs
- added in more directional pointers - want to get some that will point at the cart wherever it is.
- have included a nav file for bots, set up your max players to 32, your tf_bot_bota to 32, load map, go into spectate, watch the bridge for one of the most epic bot battles you will ever see!
- just using my goldheist model until I can get a space looking one made
- all teleports now working
- alarm siren added in when cap nears final point

haven't had a chance to review your comments from the test play of version A1 that was played last night.

-still having a problem with stalemate coming on too fast and some directional arrows

thanks for your help and enjoy
Finally after bashing my head against the wall and pestering you all with questions - here is the map!

Sadly didn't have enough time to get it into the contest :(

Known issues -

Blue touching the capture area - she keeps saying time has been added but no time is added and I want her to shut up about it.

After red pushes cart past blue's space station bridge, blue looses the ability to push it back. Right now this is a bug, but it is my intention of both teams loosing the ability to push back at this point to prevent stalemates.

Stalemates - one or two instances of it being triggered when team is touching trigger. can't replicate the error.

Bomb went boom twice and only twice in all my testing, no idea why, can't replicate error.

Any thoughts, opinions, stuff to improve game play is appreciated as always.

If anyone wants to decompile to see what's causing the bugs, feel free to do so with my thanks.

And lastly, I don't know how to put in the thumbnail onto the post thread so you can see an image instead of that gear box thingy.


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