tow (tug of war)_spacewar

tow (tug of war)_spacewar B29

this is the final test before entry into the R03 Contest
- Finally found the cause of some doors acting erratically - somehow a close trigger got place onto a func_build brush - all doors working correctly now.
Hi Guys,

Unless someone finds some major errors in the map, this will most likely be my RO3 Contest Entry and I'd like to say thanks for all the help - your feedback has been invaluable :)

Here's what been changed for B20

- the trigger hurts in the tunnels have been replaced by func_nobuilds that will toggle on/off as needed. My original goal was to keep players from camping out in them and building stuff - this solves that problem without having to penalize players by killing them.
- very slight texture work
- I put a dynamic arro on the teleporter booth to indicate where ot at least which direction you are going to get teleported to.
- at the request of players in last night's test, I have put in two launch pads into the middle battle zone, in bot testing they have proved to be a fun addition and should also help speed up the game play in the center. Now you can launch your enemy into space easier while avoiding going up yourself as I have raised the ceiling further :)
- modified spawn timers just a touch to make them faster for both teams i.e 2.5>2 & 7.5 > 7 which should now give you a 5+- and 15+- respawn time depending on cart direction

Edit - don't download found a really obscure bug - version 20a will be out in about 2 mins
- made changes for final cap point logic, it should be working correctly
- added in two player clips
- removed two team filters on the tunnel doors so both teams can use them
- added in a sign showing when tunnel entrance is active
- added in a track node indicating when/where the teleporter becomes active
- added in a arrow giving players a slight idea of where they are going to be teleportered to
- adjusted gravity and the height of the kill zone - you have to jump higher now to get into it
- fixed a couple of small bugs

Not sure what else to do with it - this might be the final version :)
Contest Testing entry

- changed tunnel route
- removed push entity into kill zone
- lowered gravity to compensate for the above

- will need fedback
- rermoved 2 cap points
- had to recode a lot of the game logic due to the above
- did some texture work
- lighting tweaks
- recoded shortcut tunnel
- fixed a player clip that was too low making it seem like gravity was too high
- added in a trigger hurt to stop teams from camping inside a room when the room was closed (you can still get out of the room)
- added in some lights to make the warning signs more visible from below before you get sucked into space
- got rid of the mercury in the center of the map to increase your combat experience
- inverted space ceiling lights to make it easier to see the edge of the upper death zone
- lowered kill of death zone roof back to an earlier version (B13) based on feedback
- slight texture modifications
- cliipped some furniture
- made one window into a wall
- fixed three buggy area portals (Issue was cause by one side connecting to a thin brush < never seen this one before)
- made a couple of other changes based on your feedback
- fixed one missing texture

Map is nearing completion for the major contest :)

- Brought some of the textures more into line with the TF@ theme
- Raised the skybox a little so you get sucked into space farther < You're welcome Nesman!
- Changed text at round start telling you where the death zone into space begins
- Worked on the lighting / light maps
- Added in or modified existing respawnwave times for both teams to try and balance out the gameplay more

Not sure what else there is to do at this point :)


(I'll update the pictures later)