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thelonghill a12

just polished the map
I was gonna leave the map at A7, take what I've learned and move onto the next. That didn't happen since one of my friends convinced me to continue development. I added some more to last, not much and I also added more patches.

I plan on leaving the map here, and doing what I said before I was gonna do. Thanks to everyone who playtested this map.
I'm still trying to fix blue spawn, I'm hoping I got it correct this time as blue has 3 exits. 2 of them go to the same place, one just has high ground and the 3rd is looking towards red spawn, near the location of the door before in earlier builds. I hope this allows first point to be capped again, as then I will be able to patch the rest of the map.
The lighting has started the process of turning white. I think i got all of it, but not sure. A new control point has been added, it's attached to building C. It has blue team going up a ramp and pushing into the main room of building C. Up next I wanna make the spawns a bit bigger.
I try to fix the problem with blue spawn being to close to the first point by adding more track and moving the blue spawn.
Red has a new respawn room, nothing else has changed though. I'm hoping this allows red to hold A longer but If it doesn't, I have a few ideas to try out.
Yet again, thanks to anyone and everyone who playtested the last version.

Clipping - fixed more clipping due to players still being able to go where they shouldn't.

Building C - extended a bit in order to make the building bigger and to add a small tower to both block line of sight in some areas and extend it in others.

Building B - same as building C but doesn't do much for extending line of sight

Lighting - has been tweaked to add lighting where there previously wasn't.

Cover - The metal cover has been reduced tremendously, no longer being the most cover on the map.

Over scaling - all outdoor sections of the map have been decreased in size. The outdoor section between building Blue Spawn and A has been changed the most. B to C is the 2nd most changed and A to B is the 3rd.

Map Logic - I redid the entirety of the map's logic by using a prefab. Originally I built it by hand as to learn how the game mode functions but now since I know, I changed it. The cart floats more now than ever but hopefully the rest is ok.
before I list off the changes I'd just like to say thanks for everyone who actually playtested this map. And although I didn't fix everything yet I've fixed and added a list of things based off your comments and the demo file. Yet again, thanks.

Clipping was fixed - players were able to go where they weren't supposed to go. The biggest example was outside of the map due to an oversite by myself. Those issues have been fixed

Red Dev texture change - it was changed to white due to players saying they were unable to recognize a sniper. Another thing that goes into that is the overscale of the map itself. But I hope this also works until I have the time to change the scaling of the map.

Starting blue spawn change - red players were able to look where blue players spawned whenever the doors opened. Due to this the blue spawn room was adjusted to not allow red players to see spawning players.

Added windows to the blue spawn - blue players at the start of the match were pointing out that they can't see the map outside of the blue spawn. That made it so starting an attack was much more difficult. Due to this windows were added so blue can see the map.

Changes to Red Spawn - The red spawn was increased for many reasons. Firstly it was to small and secondly if the door was open, the blue team could see spawning players on the last point.

Resupply for red - a new resupply cabinet calls the red spawn it's home now. This will allow players who use a building or blast back into it to heal up and grab that shiny metal.

Resupply extensions - all resupply triggers have been extended so players running to them can be helped by them faster.

Building C changes - both one way doors looking at the point changed. One is now just a normal doorway, and the other was moved back, to add more risk to using it.
-windows was added to the new door in building C to allow both teams to loo through before going in.
- glass has been added to the front of building C. This blocks some line of sight and doesn't allow players to crawl through 4 of the 5 windows. You can still crawl through the 5th one though.

20201208184122_1.jpg - the entirety of the top of building B has been removed from play as it seemed to split up the fights, and there was confusion of if it was actually a play space or not.