
Tensai RC3

I forgot what I did precisely for RC3...
But hey, workshop release is here.

And don't mind the slight mistakes in the description, they have been fixed, they just await approval of a Steam moderator with the new system.
Map changes include:
-Areaportalseam in water is now way less obvious.
-Changed the primary ground texture to something different to make botspawn less monotonous.
-Removed a spectatorcamera.
-Changed position of skycards in 3D skybox to make it less cluttered. 3D skybox will probably still undergo some changes going towards later versions.
-Added a red X sign to the front station that appears whenever the wave starts, to indicate it's closed.
-Hatch now properly explodes whenever bots/tank deploy the bomb.
-Tank entrance barricade's debris now is no longer pitch black whenever a tank destroys it.
-Various visual changes to the some of the houses.
-Improved clipping in some spots.
-Improved bot nav slightly at bot dropdown. Hopefully this'll completely prevent bots from getting stuck.

Mission changes:
-Lessened the Demoknight support on wave 4.
-Changed the Blu Bonk icon back to standard Red.

Feedback is appriciated.