"I'll release Beta 1 after this! I s-swear!"
- Me on A18, a complete buffoon
After taking a break (Working behind the scenes) on A19 it's finally here, the update everyone (some people) have been waiting for!
Here are the major changes:
Revamped spawn-rooms to make the right flank more usable and alleviate the spawn-camping problem

Skybox ceiling increased so Soldier doesn't get any more brain damage hitting his head
Right flank's elevated positions are now easier to access

Added a metal fence and "shack exit" on the right side of the spawn area to help deal with spawn-camping (Requires testing to see if it's effective)

Wooden barriers in front of the center's shack turned into a wooden alcove for protection and a roof to allow mobility classes to have better positioning options

Placed more Area-portals to help optimization
Merged some of the center's ramps for less convoluted gameplay, visuals and optimization
Manually clipped certain props to fix "Getting stuck" issues
Added more Cube-maps
Added a few more lights and details to guide players

We left a bit of coal laying around, if it bothers you pick it up yourself!
Placed a rotating light for each team that turns on when the point is captured
Added Soundscapes! A little bit of sound to give the map life helps, stealth/ambush classes benefit from this.
Placed models such as computers, a dish (not the one you put food on), a window and a few minor additions

Outside area near Comms room (Left flank) now has grass, you can touch it!
we didn't dump nuclear waste on it
... yet.
Due to the amount of map exposed to light and the skybox I reduced the environment's lighting again to realistically match the sunset's colors and lowered the sun further.
Someone scrunched the right flank's doors;
We'll remind you that any door related accident is not covered by our insurance
3D Skybox is now larger and has some more detail, planning to add proper fog with gradient.