
Studio a16a

Welcome to the a10 version of the map!
-Added structure
-Added a staircase in the connector
-Getting help from a special mapper...
a9test version
-Went back to alpha for some gameplay testing and detail remake
-changed courtyard to include scaffholding
Added aliens
Made the side room a truck room thing
Now the outside looks like a hollywood studio
fixed up version string
Beta 2!!!
hello actors its been a while since an update
-updated some detail
-added ALIENS
-made map more pretty
-mid is detailed
-made some beam holding up the green screens be non solid
-added more posters
We just hit Beta folks!!!
well... kinda its just a b0 with means we going to beta but taking our slow time with it, wich means no actualy textures and such but u can 100% see what we are planning for the future!

-added a bit more room to the side highground in the rock wall climb area for engineers to build their stuff in