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Advanced Color Correction 2.0

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Advanced Color Correction 2.0

L4D-style Color Correction

Simple script that allows for fading between multiple color correction lookup files based on the players active fog controller, or active soundscape. Also includes a script that creates a table of soundscape indexes/fog controller entindexes and their associated string name. Allows users to create more complex location-based color correction similar to l4d, without needing to manually align tons of color_correction entities.

Two custom .raw files have been included and are free to use. The example provided is for cp_coldfront, however if you'd like to test it you'll need to use a mapspawn.nut file with IncludeScript("advcc/advcc_main")

How to Use:​

  1. Extract the .zip into your Team Fortress 2/tf folder
  2. Load your map of choice in singleplayer and paste this into console: script_execute advcc/create_lookup_tables
  3. Go to your tf/scriptdata folder, open the newly generated advcc_soundscapes.nut and advcc_fogcontrollers.nut file, delete the NULL character at the end, then move them into the scripts/vscripts/advcc folder
  4. Open advcc/advcc_lookups.nut and replace the placeholder cp_coldfront soundscape/fog controller names and associated .raw filenames with your own. If you are using fog controllers, you would enter the env_fog_controller targetname instead of the soundscape name.
  5. In hammer, go to any entity in your map, for example tf_gamerules, and set the vscripts keyvalue to advcc/advcc_main.
  6. U did it congrat


  • This script spawns an extra entity per player per color correction file. This means that if you have 5 soundscapes/fog controllers that all have different color correction configurations, 5 extra entities will spawn per player, meaning an additional 160 entities total on a full 32 player server. If your map is already danger close to the edict limit and you have a lot of different soundscapes/fog controllers, keep this in mind. I wanted to make a queueing system that only uses two extra entities no matter what but I'm lazy and will do it some other time.
  • This script uses event callbacks. If you are using this script alongside any other ones, it must be included AFTER calling ClearGameEventCallbacks().
Credit is required. Permission to modify optional.
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  1. fog controllers

    Now supports either soundscapes, or the players active fog controller. create_soundscapes_lookup_table has been replaced with create_lookup_tables. This will create a lookup table for both the soundscapes and fog controllers. After...