General: Fixed page count message not appearing Clipped dynamic props to help prevent AI spotting through certain vehicles Added a hud hint to each objective gate button if they are approached while locked Fixed some previous update's time changes not being applied Increased probability of early round storms slightly Adjusted initial HDR bloom to match post-storm bloom (the map will look brighter at first) Reduced storm audio intensity while indoors Reverted to default grace period time Fixed some unlikely but possible perch points via boss knockback Increased render cut-off distance slightly (from 2500 to 2900 HU) NPCs no longer spot players through tinted windows (trade-off, they can now spawn in LOS of them) Fixed several sprites being off Updated mission file Minor perf improvements, visual changes, and clipping improvements Zone A: Fixed first objective sound not playing Fixed incorrect soundscape inside gate control room Removed some page spawns added from V2 Zone B: Added ramp after zone A dropdown to avoid NPCs wanting to climb cliffs Fixed missing rain at zone A dropdown Broke previously added watchtower stairs; it is now a dropdown Removed several new page spawns that were too hidden to find Page spawns can now appear in all landmarks (with the small trade-off of potential duplicates) Added a few new page spots in some places Fixed incorrect soundscape inside big shed Added more radiotower page spawns Added more cabin detail as visual aid for finding pages Zone C: Reworked ruins to be more open and easier to navigate with more lighting Added alternative entrance into the ruins via cellars Breakable floor interaction removed at ruins Improved broken ceiling visuals Re-added blend floors to ruins Fixed NPCs not syncing to ruins fog Added visual aid for finding potential pages Adjusted bush clipping by ruins car Added a mini-route beside gate control room Fixed minor visual errors at gate control shed Zone D: Removed survival sequence and reverted to previous escape behavior Removed some new Sheriff page spawns to streamline searching for them Added cover beside gas station BLU Lobby: Added ducks to the raceway (for no effect) Prevented Engineers building over minigame teleporters Swapped PvE invulernability trigger with speed boost since invuln was already automatically added via plugin Moved first health pack closer to the climb start Added a resupply locker to the jump course start Installed tent flooring Minor visual errors fixed and changes made
General: Replaced legacy SF2 entities with newly updated support Reduced time limit from 6 to 4 minutes Reduced time gained per page from 90 to 75 seconds Reduced escape time limit to 2 from 3 minutes Reduced grace period to 25 seconds Adjusted storm timer intervals to enable the possibility of storm strikes very early in a round Fixed some sound files not being packed Fixed stormscapes not resetting at beginning of new rounds Fixed some off light models being turned on Increased objective message hold times from 3.5 to 5 seconds Fixed late intro sequence fade time Fixed some rocks not being blocked off Blocked standing over all vehicles for consistency Reduced storm sounds by around 40% Added line break to mission file Minor visual changes, perf, and clipping improvements Zone A: Added more page spawn points and a new mini path to go with it Fixed cabin button sprite not resetting on new rounds Redecorated the lit cabin and rearranged flow Zone B: Gate objective now requires 2 (from 3) pages to unlock crank Added 2 new structures for potential page spawns (shed and cabin) Added another entrance to the watchtower from the forest Lengthened alternate river route into village Spread out and randomized old page groups to reduce predictability and adjusted spaces to compliment this Adjusted tree placements leading to village Replaced func_brushes on stairs to remove jiterry BLU ghost movement Fixed non-solid bush Zone C: Renamed Mill to Ruins Added a fence to randomly block the hill leading to ruins, forcing a detour Ruins now spawn 2 pages randomly inside (previously one guaranteed page spawn) Reworked entire ruins layout Fences now rattle when pressed up to them Added a shake to the collapsed floor Added hut with a button required to open exit gate after collecting all ruin pages Fixed car color case Broken electric wire can now damage bosses Adjusted bush collision Zone D: RED must now survive for 30 seconds before the escape gate opens Added another page spawn to the gas station Small rework to lake cover and visuals to be more readable Blocked top lake inner corner exit and replaced it with another one further right New visuals added to the sheriff's office Fixed a sheriff page spawn orientation Removed a police car in the sheriff's parking lot Added more sheriff page spawn points Adjusted exit after the lake container climb Fire department given an interior space Adjusted street cover to give more route options Adjusted final zone cover Fixed rain falling through the church in final area and missing rain in certain spots Removed parking lot tree at escape zone Motivated final chair BLU Lobby: Added jump, climbing, and dodgeball minigames Added extra ammo/health kits to PvP Added resupply and a respawn room for PvP Brightened up more areas Replaced some exit signs with the barricade version Adjusted PvE clips Fixed some floating fences & lowered bumper car railings Added a boost pad to the raceway jump-off Fixed a potential stuck spot
Fixed escape sequence not working Fixed page model orientation Increased time gained per page from 60 to 90 seconds Increased max round timer from 5 to 6 minutes Reduced escape time limit to 180 seconds (3 minutes) from 190 Swapped text channels for objective messages (from channel 2 to 4) Swapped most clip brushes with player clip brushes to not interfere with NPC line of sight tests Fixed a potential sheriff page spawning inside walls Added death cameras for RED on round loss showing the farthest zone they reached Added env_wind Added game start sound for RED Reenabled PVE teleporter after a brief cooldown time Added another light to zone a's switch to show it is disabled Adjusted nav blocker entities & nav mesh Adjusted zone b lake page spawn points Fixed missing Town Storm soundscape