• Added sky_dystopia_06, a new sky I painted all by myself with my mad art skillz
  • Added source images and project files for sky_dystopia_06 (other two will be uploaded too if literally a single soul shows interest)
  • Changed out the BSPs for VMFs because I could not give less of a fuck whether or not you steal my work which you could already have done with a decompiler anyway
    • This does not include the arena_exhaust reskin since arena_exhaust was made by @Huwareyou and his attitude may not match mine
  • I hope to eventually add a generic "cloud" texture which you can attach to brushes that swirl around your skybox because detailed skies like sky_dystopia_06 are much less convincing if they don't move
  • @zythe_ can now replace the obsolete sky_dystopia_01 on the totally-not-long-forgotten map kotf_lifesnatcher with the new and improved sky_dystopia_06
-The zip file now contains the two map files seen in the preview images
-They are not perfect and may be updated in future
@cal this update is for you