
Seaport a4

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Seaport a4

(My first map!) A rather vertical map set in and around a port/warehouse-type thing.

RED and BLU are fighting it out over some sort of port-warehouse structure in (what is to eventually become) a big city. Features lots of big drops.
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First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. Alpha 4

    - Removed the health and ammo packs underneath mid - Poked around at detailing a bit
  2. Alpha 3

    - Pushed spawns back and added a new area to increase size a bit - Reduced the amount of health and ammo around mid - Added a fence to the upper platform to block the sightline - Increased the size of the capture area - Added a new route into the...
  3. Alpha 2

    - Reduced the size of the mid building to hopefully address overscaling issues - Moved the control point to the middle of the building - Mirrored the health and ammo packs on the bottom layer's middle - Added a couple barriers and medium health...