
RampRun a5a

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Latest updates

  1. Mid changes 2

    -balcony is now close off -changes that didn't happen in a4a patch notes now happened. -the mid tunnel mid entrance is now blocked off. the ammo and hp packs are now relocated at the now blocked entrance. -added spawn do... actually, added...
  2. mid changes

    This uptade is too making mid switch more often. (around half the matches ending in less than 5 minutes so with a 35 unlock time and 3 min to win, that makes less than 1:30 min of the opposite team) - cap time is now 8 seconds - unlock time is...
  3. basic polishing uptade

    Uptade -skybox is now 1024hu (50% of what it's used to be) -added player clip at the point (even though nobody feedbacked it, I did it anyway) -added some small ammo pack to promote normal engis (not the gunslinger) to build on the outside path...

Latest reviews

Mid Is A Bit Hard To Retake But Other Than That And Some Visual Issues It's A Good Map
I modified the map a bit in the latest version which blocks off the balconies that over look mid and also the single opening that both teams share at mid. hopefully that should reduced the mayhem at mid. also tried to rework some of the pack placements and cover to allow for a better flow.