Pulling Teeth

Pulling Teeth A4c

Some miscellaneous polish and non-gameplay stuff. (Also, this update is technically on the same day as A4b but that version was pushed shortly after midnight.)

  • Fixed an issue where all the OOB clipping on the Red side was about 64 units off
  • Fixed an issue where skybox brushes where visible from the side route
  • Remade ground in Blue Yard into displacement
  • Changed angle of lighting so that most of the mid isn’t in shadow
  • Fixed assorted texture problems
  • Miscellaneous crap to make sure that the two sides are symmetrical
  • Swapped out pickups with instances because reasons
A4b: October 28, 2017

Remade the setpiece and then changed it back I don’t know


  • Pulling Teeth A4 1.jpg
    Pulling Teeth A4 1.jpg
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  • Pulling Teeth A4 2.jpg
    Pulling Teeth A4 2.jpg
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  • Pulling Teeth A4 3.jpg
    Pulling Teeth A4 3.jpg
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A3: October 14, 2017
This version was actually finished in a timely manner for once. Only two weeks have passed since A2, and one of those were spent waiting for the server to get its head out of its ass.
  • Raised flank platform thing and brought it closer to the point so it has a more tangible advantage over enemies on the point.
  • Made the Spawn yard a bit bigger. This will probably be changed back
  • Raised the spawn yard. Blue’s lefthand route stays level while the righthand route goes down. There are still two routes because this map is shaped weird.
  • Added a window and an interior door to spawn rooms.
  • Shifted some pickups around
  • Aesthetics: Changed skybox and lighting to Granary. Implemented some of the Devbucket textures. Sexed up the tunnels under the walkway to the point.


  • Pulling Teeth A3.jpg
    Pulling Teeth A3.jpg
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  • Pulling Teeth A3 Ortho.jpg
    Pulling Teeth A3 Ortho.jpg
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  • Pulling Teeth A3 Ledge.jpg
    Pulling Teeth A3 Ledge.jpg
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  • Pulling Teeth A3 Tunnel.jpg
    Pulling Teeth A3 Tunnel.jpg
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