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Mal Voyage A2b

Originally intended for 72h Jam, but delayed due to 3 exams in a row (thanks university)

Mal Voyage (previously known as Ponos Otsos Huesos) is a 2-point Arena map set on a cruise ship that has RED and BLU fight to death, while trying to steal the materials that can come in handy from the ship. (ignore that this is not a cargo ship)

First release
Last update

More downloads from dabmasterars

Latest updates

  1. Minor update

    pool water is now visible and refracts healthkit is now floating on water fixed nodraw brushes in the hot tub room
  2. Minor update

    adjusted lighting temporarily made the pool water invisible (to prevent glitches)
  3. ALPHA 2

    renamed the map to mal voyage (opposite meaning of bon voyage) added a second control point extended the back area to account for the control point adjusted pickups adjusted water lod control values