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Poison A10

Welcome to Hell

Poison is a King of the Hill Map set in Hell


Anytime Halloween hits the Badlands, the Mercs know something strange will happen,
There are no exceptions here, The Person who pays you'r Salarys has had enough,
Seeing both Teams gather for a Halloween Party, she decides to crash it by being Evil.
All 9 Mercenarys from both Teams were thrown into a big Cauldron,
Which teleported them to a neat little Place called "hell"
She even decorated the Place, but with the intent of having everyone Die!
Do you have the Guts to fight back?


Poison's Gameplay is the same as the non-event Version, Bottle.
Pumpkin Bombs, visual Changes, Ghosts, a Skeleton King and a Coffin has been added, what's in the Coffin?
The Coffin opens everytime the "Blood Pump" gets captured, upon entering it,
you will be teleported to a number of Different Microgames,
Completing them returns the Player to the main Map, with an Invulnerable/Crit Boost that lasts 9 Seconds.

Basic Information:

Map type: King of the Hill
File name: koth_poison_a10
Developer(s): XEnderFaceX

Map Information:

Location: Hell
Setting: Night, moon
Deep Water: No
Pyrovision: No

Map Items:

Health Kits:

Full: 2
Medium: 2
Small: 1

Ammo Boxes:

Full: 0
Medium: 4
Small: 2


- Players can get stuck when completing Microgames simultaneously (not yet tested)


The Microgame Idea is inspired by the WarioWare Franchise
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. A10

    Gameplay: ======= - Players can now be killed by the Lightning Strike - Added Skeletons that appear after every 1Min 30Seconds - Removed Windows in Middle Shacks Visuals: ===== - Fixed Music always repeating - Redesigned Red's Transition...
  2. A9

    A9: == Gameplay: ======= - Added Nobuild around the Minigame Coffin - The Alarm Sound for the Middle Doors is now louder - Added small light as further Indication when Middle Doors close - Fixed being able to jump on Carvehouse Divide-Wall...
  3. A8

    A8: === Gameplay: ======= - Fixed being able to get stuck when entering Coffin - Increased length of Critboost after a Successfull Minigame - Added Warning Sound before the Full-Healthpack Doors close - Added Lightning Strike when Skeleton King...