
Plump A6

-Changed the Highround Flank to allow easier acces
- Highround Flank now has a different entry while the old one got blocked off
- Moved the point to the Middle of the bridge instad of the Side
- Added more Cover on the Main Route
- Changed Courtyard too allow defense at more Positions
- Changed Low Ground Route to make it viable for Soldier, Scout and Demo
-Reworked existing routes to make them more balanced
-Added a new Route that splits in the mid Way and opens up either as a flank or cover for the point
- Added Props to make the Gameplay in certain areas more interesting , buffing Scout and Soldier who didnt see any play on my Map before
-Reworked Mid
- Made Point Plattform smaller
- Added Cliffs to unused Gameplay Space giving Cover and allowing
Rocket Jumps of it
- Removed Cover on Point making it easier to recap
- Removed a bit of the Sniper Plattform
-Added small ammopack on both sides next to point
-Changed Path next to Mid
-Added Medium Health and Ammo Pack at the changed path
-Added Stairs onto the Route next to Mid
-Miscelaneous Changes
-Lowerd elevated area next to Spawn to allow crouch jumps up
-Changed the Position of the House in the yard area betwen Spawns and Point
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- Map generally made smaller
- Removed some Sightline Problems
- Made secound exit of spawn more interesting to players, giving them
an ability to deny spawncampers with ease
- Lowered most highground so it dosent feel like youre running up a

- Added a bit of geometry to areas without any content
- Changed light_enviroment to make the map seem less orange
- Reduced the number of lights and instead made them fill more space
