
Desolation b1

some small detailin
while waiting for bot to be fixed i did some detailing and added custom decals
a6 played VERY well surprisingly so i hadnt much to change.

  • Halved A elevator speed
  • Reworked B > C connector slightly
  • Various small geo changes

  • Put together a snow/concrete blend
  • trying to figure out what i wanna do with the gray mann style buildings (will prob use frontline stuff)
realised the palette was just gray and brown, swapping to a snowy theme so its gray and WHITE. fancy

Gameplay changes:
Adjusted RED's first spawn, now like Upward RED first spawn kinda
Added windows on Last for RED to see oncoming BLU
Small cover adjustments
Nerfed BLU with spawn times and time awarded

Did some detailing on B and Last mostly
fixed a bug where the elevator on C being activated during overtime would lock cart next round
added truck on B for sightline
added more time on capping A
buffed blu spawns on C
thank god its done (?????) hopefully
fixed bethesda tree
3am scary
-Reworked area after A
  • Shortened the length of B by removing the corridor. I found blu’s lobby would generally convene around the elevator top, so I’ve built up that area to be more defendable hopefully.
-Replaced door that opens after A with a permanent one way door
-fixed engi buildin in blu spawn
final tweaks
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