
PL_Logtory Final

Payload Logtory development has concluded.
After many years in development hell, constant reworks and tests, I personally am proud with the end product.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the maps development process through playtesting and feedback.
Hope everyone have fun, or atleast enjoyable games on this map.

Maps development time 2019-2024
B4 has finally here, and is the last beta update b-4 (before) pl_logtory full release.
This update focuses on improving lighting, bug fixes, finishing up brush work, and optimization.
Since this is considered as last update before full release, there wont be huge gameplay changes to the map since it's been tested a ton gameplay wise and am happy with the outcome of the map.
There will be bug fixes or changes to things that were overlooked, but primarly the map is finished.
In terms of optimization, I've tried and improved it a bunch, but since i'm not a professional in this field of mapping, and this is my first proper full length map project, that has been in development for many years with shifts in plans/ideas, the optimization aspect might not be perfect.
Full release should come sometime this summer.
It's been over 10 months since last update on payload logtory development.
During this time many reconsiderations and adjustments have been made to the maps layout, both in design and gameplay.
Payload Logtory is nearing Its completion, leaving only finishing touches to the design of some of the areas of the map (specifically BLU first spawn, aswell as final stage of the map, alongside surronding areas of the map).
Remaining future versions (potentially 1-2 updates) will primarely focus on optimization of the map, as well as bug fixing, which is only doable through playtests and feedback.
Made some changes to the area between point A and B, reducing long sightlines and defender advantage for easy setup for spawncamping attackers.
Added new design changes near point C and it's last attacker spawn.
Over a year of development and 17 alpha versions and testing, PL_Logtory has entered it's beta stage.
A17 release
Some fixes and changes to point C
This was originally planned to be the beginning of pl_logtory beta (B1). But A15 had some issues that affected the playtest, so A16 contains these fixes and also some changes that were planned for B1.

Most changes made in this version are targeted towards helping Defense.

Made layout changes to Point A (Was planned for B1)
Redesigned area between Point A and Point B (Was planned for B1)

Removed some routes/doors (Reduce complexity of the layout)
Added more ammo packs in accessible/visible places (Mainly aimed for Defense Engineers)
Fixed resupply cabinets not working on Last
Made some adjustments to respawn timers (Still subject to change)
Made plenty layout changes to 2nd, 3rd and Last points.
Plenty changes