
PL_Logtory Final

A5 changelog
Most of the changes have been made from player feedback, some are made to bring the maps layout to the new "standart"

-reduced the size of the skybox (reason: to improve performance. Further changes are planned to improve the maps performance)

-fixed players getting stuck in spawn after the point is captured adn spawns are changed (now players get teleported to the next spawn)

-reworked BLU first spawn

-added a new highround route in point A building (reason: so BLU has a third way to push)

-made a few layout adjustments to point B area (reason: in correspondence to A4 version changes)

-reworked the building next to red first spawn / point C (reason: to bring it to the current maps standarts)

-made a few layout adjustments to the area between point C and point D

-fully reworked lasts RED building (reason: from previous playtests, the buildings layout was too confusing and one sided. these changes are targeted to simplify the layout)

Known issues:



A4 changelog

all of these changes are based of player feedback from play tests

-removed a wall next to BLU spawn (Reason: was used by RED to spawncamp BLU team)

-removed the flank window near A/B point (Reason: can be too powerful on either side as a flank route for power classes (demo/soldier))

-moved/added some of the pickups

-changed 2nd BLU spawn to be faced right way

-removed posts to the "legs" near the cliff (Reason: to remove clutter and easier to move around, specifically while jumping)

-changed one of the house entrances next to point D (Reason: so that BLU has easier options to push LAST avoiding the tight long sight line)

-made several changes to LAST defense side (further testing required)

-fixed some clippings

-increased cap area of payload