
pl_divulgence b4b

Added signage on tracks near red first spawn to guide players to the front of the map
Added tutorialization in setup time introducing new players to the map, the hint only displays once per map change
The cart outline is now hidden during the beginning of the map
Added outline for the control point in setup time
Adjusted stairway on 2nd to block sniper sightlines and improve flow
Removed cover on 2nd's flank
Moved health and ammo on 2nd
Added medium health on 1st
Downgraded ammo on the flank on 2nd
Added medium ammo for spies in the underground on 2nd
Fixed awkward cart angles while the cart recedes on last
Adjusted ammo and health placement post first
Removed handrail on 2nd
Switched capture point sound effect for more unanimous announcer calls (Sounds neutral for both teams)
Fixed a bug where the cart would recede after beginning detonation

Huge thanks to Shounic's server group for testing the map!
Detailing and flank changes to 2nd
Check attachments.


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Removed force respawn after capturing 3rd
Simplified far flank on 3rd
Detailing to 2nd
Small clipping tweaks allover
Fixed rocket jumping soldiers' visibility into other areas under specific circumstances
Removed collisions on payload cart bumper in the first elevator
Added collisions to a junction box near 1st
Fixed odd collisions near last
Adjusted capture zone to be overall shorter and tighter (No longer cap on top of boxes)
Added collisions to each capture point (You could hide stickies in these)
Fireplace on last now ignites huntsman arrows. (cringe...)
Adjusted red boiler on 1st, moving the drainpipe to the other side. (awkwardly retreating players would bump into this)
Added detailing to lesser important buildings on 1st
Fixed out of map exploits post B
Clipping fixes
Added new spy routing/trick jumps on B, as well as hiding/information spots
Fixed respawn room trigger being accessible by red players on 1st
Shrunk flank door on B, Ever so slightly widened combo door on B
Fps improvements on A and B
Fixed resupply lockers being named the same (Visual glitch)
The attackers right route door has been widened on 1st, Fixed a pixel walk near this doorway as well

I tried clipping the newly detailed areas to be movement-friendly, (Rocketjumps and such.)
Keep an eye out for any oddities I may have missed.
My ears are open to all feedback,
PigPig#8052 on discord, Or you can message me on tf2maps.


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  • Simplified geometry near the doorway on A's flank
  • Boredom detailed some stuff on A
  • Added sightline blocker post B
  • Removed staircase post B -This is in an attempt to allow blue to bust this space much easier, Once knocked out of the high ground it is clumsy for red to re-aggress (Propjump or use flank). I am aware of post b's entrances being "seen all from one angle" and I personally find that interesting. Makes blue have to scramble for the ground once they use through one of the primary chokes. There are a lot of options for blue players once they bust the chokes, it's a matter of when they do. I think a team would only be capable of defending those doors at a massive advantage, ex: skill advantage (3 demos in a pub lol, better team), medic advantage (2-3 medics in a pub). Both of these are good reasons for blue to lose. However, I question how a coordinated team would push the area post B on even ubers. That's something I'd need information on before I actually commit to a change.
  • Lowered spawn times for blue pushing 3rd by 1 second (respawn waves are now 2(4 ingame) seconds from 3(6 ingame)seconds)
  • Adjusted flank building on C.
  • Added window near the door trigger mini capture, This should introduce the mechanic to new players. - I wouldn't be surprised if it's still not obvious, I'll keep trying till it is. Going to try to find comp testing. Hopefully, they can clear up if that door is even necessary.
  • Removed "stupid bullshit" from saw house -Yeah! Fuck you handrail!
  • Fixed odd clipping near red first spawn
  • Added more bullet block/clipping all over
  • Boredom detailing allover
  • Fixed lighting on A lift
  • Switched out the small health on B for a medium
The future(a2?):

Simplify and massively shift geometry when blocking sniper sightlines for a2. Facelift areas that are awkward and such. Basically, make giant shifts in geometry to block sightlines rather than adding an odd cover-piece here and there.
This should make the flow/presentation of the map more professional.
If the map picks up steam ill find ways to dedicate more free time to it. Otherwise, I'm trying to find comp groups to test with for the end of a1, Get final opinions from all around before I commit to a2.


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Added small rollback on last to mitigate spy cap potential
Swapped out confusing control point like area after 2nd
Moved flank on 2nd
Shrunk top left aggressive uber door on 2nd
Replaced cover outside of 2nd with high tech brush technology for more consistent combat and advanced visibility
Also rerouted how toxic connects into 2nd
Added more visibility to the flank on 2nd

Thoughts: Might remake the topmain exit from 2nd-3rd, toxic on 2nd, and the initial exit area on 1st for blue (Block snipers on the far left attacking pov from clearing the hill from inside their spawn.)

My goal for the 2nd point is to make it impossible to hard hold if you have uber disadd due to the many doors into the building. Blue can take over very quickly from the top right door (defender pov) if you don't have a counter uber or pyro available to stuff them. However blue cannot push this path if they do not have uber, to begin with. Leading to blues main objective: pressure the force via the 3 other doors into the point. (Including the stupid flank under the ultimate high ground). Though I'm not a highlander player, this is what my interpretation / main goal is. Eventually, the final version will hopefully resemble this goal.


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Better clipping overall
Better player guidance (Easier to tell what doors are active and inactive, added clues to explain the trapdoor point.)
Streamlined sawhouse layout (The place near 3rd.)
-Blocked sightline, simplified staircase, removed clutter.
-Clipped rock by the lower door to saw
Swapped out small ammo in saw for medium
Adjustments to the left side on last
Added announcer for the control point. (Doesn't play globally, don't care to figure out why right now. :/)
Fixed clipping on the radar dish near 3rd.


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