- general -
- Added some more details
- S1 -
- Added drop down for blu on last
definitely doesn't warrant a major release

- general -
- Adjusted respawn times
- Removed Red force respawn when points are captured.

- S2 -
- Fixed cart getting stuck on big red door
- general -
- Adjusted respawn times
- Force Red respawn on point captures

- S2 -
- Adjusted geometry on B
- General -
- Increased Red respawn times
- Added soundscapes
- Color coded some doors, yellow doors will open when the nearest point is capped
- Added some more details

- S1 -
- Added some height variance to the right side path on A

- S2 -
- Adjusted health pick ups on A
- Fixed the skybox train
- general -​
- Decreased respawn times

- S1 -​
- Reverted righthand flank on last back to what is was before, now both Red and Blu can use it
- Adjusted Red's right side spawn exit

- S2 -​
- Extended Blu's highground on B
- Added highground just after the blast door on B.
- Set blast door to open once B is capped
- Added a forward spawn for Blu after capping B.
- Removed low ground path leading to last.
- Fixed cart getting scared when rolling back.


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- General -​
  • Changed the main rock textures.​
  • Adjusted the lighting slightly​
  • Added some more details​
- Stage 1 -​
  • Adjusted Red spawn room:
    • On round start, Red spawn froms the right side of the spawn room, closest to A and B​
    • Once B is capped, Red spawns from the left site​
- Stage 2 -​
  • Removed the blast door from the main route on C.​
  • Last spawn room now has a window into the void. spooky​


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- General -​
  • Cleaned up some weird lighting issues.​
  • More detailing.​
  • Slightly adjusted the sun light to be less bright.​
- S1 -​
  • After capping A, a door on the left side near BLU spawn will open, giving Blu a safe route to the left flank.​
  • Gave Blu a one way door onto the high ground behind B, since it was too easy for Red to hold once they had control.​
  • After capping B, a security door will raise in the middle of the track, blocking the long sight line from the back of the C warehouse to the entrance of B from the ramp.​
  • Altered the right hand flank on C, defenders here should only be able to focus on either defending the flank or C, not both at the same time.​
  • Widened the left entrance into C.​
  • Altered the height of some ceilings.​
- General Changes -​
  • Early artpass, very rough and will most likely change.​
  • Replaced dev textures with proper textures.​
  • Adjusted health/ammo locations and sizes.​
- Stage 2 -​
  • Leaning into this card: Your map contains a delay mechanic.
    • Main routes/flanks to last are temporarily blocked by doors. Routes open once Blu push the bomb just past the second cap​
    • It takes around 15 seconds for the routes to open, gives Red some time to prepare on last.​
  • Experimenting with modified layouts for last on both stages.
  • Adjust heights of various walls​
  • other stuff i probably forgot about​
-Stage 1-​
  • Reduced size of BigDoor by 50%, blu should be able to setup shop right outside the door now.
-Stage 2-​
  • Removed left most spawn door on Red's last spawnroom.​
  • Move left flank on last forward, no longer directly to red spawn​
  • Simplified right hand flank on last.​