
Pilfer a20

basically beta
Update mainly focused on details
Gameplay seems to be solid. I need more testing but I will be shifting my focus to detailing
More details
Added a new route into intel area
Removed a side route
Turned window into glass window
Rough detailing
Reworked mid
Changed bot path
Added bot path indicator on red side. Will add to blue side later when it's finalized.
Added nobuild to bad sentry spot
Changed Bot path to be further from mid
Significantly increased bot health.
Patched several unfair sightlines into mid
Changed the shorter entrance to flag
Changed the highground next to King bots
Conversion to rd gamemode
Simplified mid design to be closer to traditional koth design.
Blocked off lowground flank route. This should allow more teamfight since players are more converged.
Removed the one way dropdown that is almost exclusive to one team
The 'sniper room' can now be accessed the same way as the old oneway room.
a13 version with cos gamemode will be available if this doesnt work.
fixed doors