Pervade - Stage 1

Pervade - Stage 1 a4

- Added a "Flank" Route infront of A
- to open, cap A first LOL

- Changed stuff around A and middle of the map idk
- Changed Both team's Respawn waves
- Changed the hazard sound cues AGAIN
- Changed the capture time
- Changed the RED Spawn ..kinda
- Some stuff i FORGOT TO Put it hereee eeee
- Added some covers
- Added some stuff
- Added a BLU Forward Spawn
- Added some pickups

- Removed some pickups
- Removed the One Way gate on A
- Removed that useless spot on A
- Removed some stuff

- Changed some 'flank' routes
- Changed some stuff
- Changed the lighting to match with stage 2

- and some undocumented stuff idk hh AAAAA
- Added a occluder and a areaportal

- Added a new 'flank' route
- Added some pickups
- Added something that reminds player that the vehicle hazard is heading in
- ok sure deathpit for blu lol

- Fixed BLU Players DIE after changing class / able to build

- Removed some stuff
- Removed BLU's Forward Spawn

- Changed the Last a bit
- Changed map's lighting a little idk
- aaaaaaaaa
- and some undocumented changes to this list
theres so much pervade.bsp with a difference in my tf2 map folder
i'm STUPID, yikes!

- the map has its ACTUAL LAYOUT

don't overwork!
the alpha 2 is lost in time

- New Layout (i think it has issues, need help)
- Vehicle Hazard still exist
Remodeled the map to have a new layout, you might see a familiar geometry around the map.

oh, The van is still existing!
v11 update for ugly map
- Added a flank at Capture Point C
- Added windows in BLU Spawn
- Fixed Sound Cues for the Vehicle Hazard
- Changed the respawn waves
- Changed the BLU Spawn Setup gates
- Changed some health/ammo pickups
- cow
- and stuff i forgot lol
- Removed a room in Capture Point B
- Removed some covers and trims at Capture Point B
- Added a vehicle hazard sound cues
- Added a little bit of cover around in Capture Point A
- Changed some stuff in the map
- Changed the respawn wave times
- Changed the Vehicle Hazard speed
- Fixed BLU Setup DOOR being door stuck!!!!!
- little bit of artpass
- and stuff i forgot

current known issues; missing cubemaps. lazy to recompile to fix
- optimization a bit
- Added a highground for the Red Team at last
- Fixed players getting stuck on that door gate thing
- Fixed lazily prop fading
- Fixed some clipping
- Fixed the Square hazard line overlay
- Fixed some visible Nodraws
- textured stuff, idk maybe
- and some stuff i forgot