
Pastoral A5

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Payload Race

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  1. Alpha 5

    ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I DID TF2 MAPS I FORGOT WHAT I CHANGED x3 i probably wont test it at all but the map was lonely on my computer and this song is very good so listen to it instead owo
  2. Alpha 4

    I've been overall satisfied with the way this map plays for awhile. Balancing it has only focused on the end of the map, which is sick The choke outside the spawn is pretty much gone, but the fast respawns after that point and the easy access to...
  3. Alpha 3

    The last version was interesting! There's a choke I need to buff out. *big surprise,* but the interesting thing was that the reason it was a choke was because the defending team was at such a disadvantage they couldn't do anything but defend...