Before we get to the update part of this post there is some feedback I received during my last test of b11 (a couple months ago) that I want to address. It was basically a few players saying the map would be improved via cutting one of the control points.
Honestly - I mostly agree. However there are parts of me that disagree. I wanted to make sure these everyone knew these comments were heard because I actually spent quite some time debating whether or not I wanted to go through with such a change. It ultimately boils down to three things:
1. I want to wrap this map up and have it out of my life

(removing a control point would be a fair bit of work)
2. I put a LOT of effort into making the map have four control points and since that is pretty unique in the tf2 a/d cp map world I feel it lends to the maps fun via a little novelty/a new dynamic
3. Personally I enjoy longer maps
Basically ive learned a fuck ton from the development of this map and id much rather take my lessons learned and put it into a new map. Hell I might come back later and make a 3cp version of osiris who knows but for now im sticking with four control points.
Osiris b12!
I feel ive said this a few times already but this version should be the last gameplay changes this map receives. This hopefully means the next version will be fully detailed and have a 3d skybox. A felt a little tight for defenders refilling the area and B needed a few visual/gameplay refinements to get it on par with the rest of the control points. B also needed some defense help.
-Added red drop down into A that connects to the main choke with a door on the connection to the choke that closes upon capture of A
-Added a small hallway that connects left side (as blu facing A) to the main choke
-Refined main blu forward hold house
-Raised blu height advantage exit from house
-Removed a small cross-point sightline (via the fence attached to blu height advantage leaving house)
-Removed lower door entrance into house
-Improved sentry spots near point
-Added slightly more cover for red to lower area around point
Pic of new stuff: