
Odyssey B4

  • Continued detail pass
  • Added finale destruction sequence
  • Added bespoke sounds for marble cutter saw and destruction
  • Increased height of RED high ground overlooking D cap zone
  • Adjusted position of RED spawn points when defending D
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Various clipping fixes
  • Continued detail pass
  • Removed ramp up to inner balcony on B
  • Reduced opening speed of B shortcut doors
  • Added another doorway to third floor window room on C
  • Removed handrails from part of catwalk above C cart path
  • Adjusted orientation of RED spawn points on C to aid navigation
  • Reduced time added on capture for C from 300 to 240 seconds
  • Widened upper entrance to outer flank house on D
  • Increased finale control point capture time from 10 to 12 seconds
  • Fixed physics objects and projectiles not colliding with certain geo on D
  • Fixed players getting stuck in RED first spawn doors when the spawn was disabled
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Various clipping fixes
  • Continued detail pass
  • Fixed saw finale trigger_hurt lingering after the saw was destroyed
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Various clipping fixes
  • Added navmesh
  • Increased BLU respawn wave time from 3 to 4 on all points
  • Added placeholder finale explosion sequence
  • Various visual adjustments and fixes
  • Various clipping fixes
  • Began map wide detail pass
  • Added alternate path up to ruins outside BLU first spawn
  • Added jumper accessible hole in outer wall of A choke
  • Reduced BLU respawn wave time on A from 4 to 3
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Fixed RED being force respawned at the wrong spawn points
  • Increased time added on capture for B and C from 240 to 300 seconds
  • Reduced BLU respawn wave time on C from 3 to 2
  • Visual and clipping fixes
  • Adjusted shape of ramp to C catwalk
  • Adjusted cover and handrails on C catwalk
  • Extended C main building second floor deck
  • Increased height of C non-playable conveyor belt
  • Redesigned lobby and outer flank/highground on D
  • Adjusted elevation and pathing around D tunnel flank entrance
  • Added HUD indicator for finale cap zone progress (thanks Sarexicus!)
  • Saw arm movement speed now scales with the number of players capturing
  • Saw arm regression is now tied to final control point capture decay speed
  • Enabled forced respawn for RED upon point capture
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Various visual adjustments
  • Various clipping fixes
  • Reduced BLU respawn wave time on B from 4 to 3
  • Removed ramp access to B-C connector house balcony
  • Added new route up to rooftop/catwalk overlooking C cart path
  • Adjusted geo to clarify route options on third floor of C main building
  • Expanded pocket area on ground floor of C main building
  • Adjusted cover placement around C checkpoint
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Various visual adjustments
  • Various clipping fixes
  • Adjusted cover around catwalk above the cart path on C
  • Adjusted geo to improve flow on third floor of main building on C
  • Adjusted geo around D cart path entrance to improve flow and route visibility
  • Adjusted geo to prevent players taking fall damage when leaving RED’s final spawn
  • Fixed the round ending if the cart was pushed into the D capture zone in overtime
  • Fixed players who captured C mistakenly receiving credit for capturing D
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Various visual adjustments
  • Various clipping fixes
  • Widened A choke doorway
  • Removed path from A cliffside flank to small temple staircase
  • Added new entrance to underground flank at the base of small temple
  • Slightly increased elevation and cover of pocket near B checkpoint
  • Expanded outer balcony and cliffside flank entrance on B
  • Lowered rock near B checkpoint to eliminate a sightline
  • Added ramp access to B-C connector house balcony
  • Removed prop cover around D cap zone
  • Removed rollforward zone just before D cap zone
  • Reduced height of RED high ground overlooking D cap zone
  • Added cover to better control line of sight around D cap zone
  • Adjusted shape and position of platform overlooking D cap zone
  • Adjusted position of D cap zone to accommodate geo changes
  • Reduced saw arm movement speed from 1.5 to 1
  • Various pickup adjustments
  • Various visual adjustments
  • Various clipping fixes