- same fixes as A9A
Changed curbs to be fitting with the theme Blocked the flank for testing purposes made the yellow metal at point translucent (grates) removed oil columns for 3D sky (soon)
New map layouts to from spawn to mid (Major change) Fixed some door issues from previous A8 version Detailing artpass in the spawn area. Removed some corrugated metal from the tower to balance height advantage risk vs reward.
reworked spawn area reworked riverside (far left area to the point) fixed some clip brushes.
Added new flank area Added ramps on barrels near the point Added more healthpacks Swapped some low health to medium health, same for ammo Fixed the oil being too bright Adjusted some playerclips. Added new oil spill particles
added more detail to mid added window on sewer added new health and ammo on main route on both sides added more detail to control room
Alternate version of A6 added a new building to connect to the oiltower reworked some geometry on red and blu side removed healthpack and ammopack on top of the tower removed some corrugated metal on the first floor of the tower. resized some brushes on the control point added small health and ammo on sewer added Oil Blend texture for testing purposes added some detail to the oil river.
Added area for cover on the point base Added new sewer area under the control point
Changed Skybox texture from sky_triage_01 to sky_fever_01 Increased cap point base by extra 128 Hu Redesigned the whole shack, easier to get to the 1st floor of oil tower Added more optimization (areaportals) added some windows, de-nuke the previous window from A2. Changed the design of lower area (oil river) Oil Tower artpass
-Fixed logic_logic_koth -removed custom oilblend texture