
MC12 a1

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MC12 a1

This also qualifies for MC11 which I missed and put in twice the effort

Map for MC12 Hit the Limits. This payload map starts at -320 goes up to 320 and then back down to -320, it has 2 640hu drops of which 1 is useful for red and the other for blu.

Blu does need to watch their backs between A and B as red can take a risky route behind blu, but the health and ammo disappear and they are at a disadvantage, heavies not recommended.

The stencils on the walls signify the limits to make it easier to know how much space is left above and below.

Red has 2 spawns, forward is active until B is capped, door marked with A is locked after A is capped. Blu has 3 spawns, moves after A is capped and then after the cart rolls down the second slope after B and shares the red forward spawn.
First release
Last update

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