
Mardin a19

- Removed the underside of the stairs on last

- Relocated the forward spawn on last to a closer location

- Added death signs to demarcate playable area and death pit more clearly
- Closed a sightine from last to second

- Closed a sightline from second to mid

- Merged 2 routes to second

- Added a medium healthpack to the shack on second

- Added a medium healthpack to the simplified route

- Added a small healthpack on last

- Relocated the medium healthpack on the highground on mid to the house

- Relocated the medium healthpack on the highround on second

- Made the ramp on second less steep

- Made the house on second smaller

- Added a deathpit to second

- Added a bridge to second

- Decreased the height of the entrance on last

- Opened up the house on second

- Made the main path to second wider

- Made the pickups float
- Extended the distance between mid and second

- İncreased the size of the second point

- Added more flanks between second and last

- Added more cameras

- Closed some sightlines

- Added more health and ammo packs around second

- Relocated the forward spawns

- Added another death pit between second and last

- Shortened the width of the lowground on last

( thanks @Xbmann ! )
- Added a ramp to the drop down on last

- Added 2 more healthpacks to second

- Added a medium healthpack to the dropdown on last

- Added a flank route from second to mid

- Added another way to retreat to spawn on last

- Added a flank route from second to last

- Relocated the forward spawn for mid

- Changed the small ammopack on last to a small healthpack

- Made the middle wider

- Removed the crates on the house with the small packs on mid

- Fixed an issue where people could snipe people by abusing the gaps in-between crates

- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in forward spawns
- Made the ramp to last less annoying

- Added an overhang to one of the buildings on second

- Extended the distance between the last point and the last spawn

- Removed the first floor of the second point

- Closed the back route on mid
- uploaded the bsp this time (i am stupid)
- Redesigned the highground buildings at mid

- downgraded the health and ammo packs on the buildings at mid to small

- removed the ammopack on the highground

- relocated the healthpack on the highground

- removed the healthpack below the second point

- removed the healthpack on last

- fixed the ammopack on last being slanted
- extended the distance between the second and last points
- added a self destruct to the teleport triggers
- remade the second and mid