Maple Falls

Maple Falls a7c

-Packed custom content​
-Made some minor adjustments​
-Made more clear the way to B​
-Also added new route to B​
-Reduced health and ammo kits around middle​
-Changed respawn times​
-Added new icons for the HUD​
-Just minor changes, mostly just quality of life improvements​

Based on the feedback I got, it seems C is the biggest issue right now, some people say it's too hard to capture and others say it's too hard too defend, and I'm starting to think is mostly because the gamemode rather than the map itself.

If someone has any suggestions to this isue let me know, the map has been stuck like this for a lot of time by now.
-Added a new route around CP B​
-Changed respawn times when middle points are capped​
-Made some minor visual changes, now it looks more open​
-File size is smaller​
-Fixed some issues in the spawns​
-Changed some dev textures, and the roof of one of the buildings​
-Made one of the doors to middle bigger​
-Changed respawn times when mid is capture​
-Made a bit bigger the distance between the spawn ant CP C​
-Fixed the collision of a prop​
-Changed capture times​
-Now you can build on top of B​
-Jump Pad force have been reduced
-The tree doesnt look from N64 anymore
-Added playerclip in the roof of CP C
-Reduced the cap time for CP C
-Added some minor details​
-Fixed a leak in the map (surprsingly, nobody noticed it)
-Fixed the nobuild near the jump pad
-Added blockbullets in the fences near the pond
-Reduced the respawn time(?)
-Converted the pile of leaves to displacement​
-Fixed jumppad collisions, and made the entrace a bit bigger
-Replaced some healthkits and ammopacks with smaller ones
-Improved healthkits and ammopacks patches​