I made some rookie mistakes that slipped through because I was so excited to upload a4a! Some hotfixes:

-Fixed enemy func_respsawnroomvisiualizer appearing as triggers rather than no entry
-Fixed floating geometry by red spawn
-Fixed some decals not displaying on walls properly

Also some notable gameplay changes I had time to sneak in quick:

-Added a window to spawn
-Changed position of resupply cabinet
-Made the doorway under stairs in lobby much more open
-Changed the location of the water tanks in lobby
-Added a vent into flank houses to aid in unseen entries/exits
-Added a no build on top of containers on mid
-Shutter is no longer a one-way window
-Raised up the center geometry outside lobby by mid
-Added some necessary clipping

Expect some detailing work in the next update!

Long story short "a1" that was uploaded was actually a3. This was an attempt on my end to not have to upload every version I worked on to TF2Maps, but I've decided against that just for organizations sake and everyone's sanity. a4a is the 2nd release on TF2Maps and I will go up incrementally here on out.

  • Spawn moved ever so slightly forwards to help people be slightly quicker to the action.
  • Greatly reduced sightline from lower spawn to mid (Raised flatcar crates and added fences that allow a small gap.)
  • New door near fan connects to lower lobby allowing easier movement.
  • Packs have been tweaked all over lobby (size and placement.)
  • Added a hollow crate to replace the train flatcar. Helps reduce visibility to balance sniper + allow for unspotted entry.
  • Changed up flank rooms on mid (Wow look at that one-way shutter!)
  • Added a second smaller ramp to point
  • Added cover to point
  • Point is wider + Removed flatcars from the side of point
  • Unstretched some textures
  • Cap time reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds