fixed broken hud and matched cp layout to mannhattan
mom now resets if left on ground for 45 seconds
added additional spawn point in forward upgrade station and moved starting point to tank room near bot spawn
on first cap and if mom is currently on ground, teleports to new spawn point by forward upgrade station. after another 45 seconds on ground, teleports to old location behind 2nd cp.
fixed not dropping on round end and causing issues in next wave
extended some func_nav_avoids to eliminate fringe pathing errors
cancelled pending i/o on forward gate at wave end to eliminate fringe pathing errors
added prerequisites to help bots stay on active cp
fixed some spawns not having spawn protection
bosses will now take the forward gate once open
giants now remain at the first point during stun to make them easier to deal with
bosses are exempt and will continue to path forward during stun
disallowed sentry busters from capping
swapped mission finales with int/adv
intermediate mission:
renamed to advanced (now uses trio finale bosses)
added sentry busters
advanced mission:
renamed to intermediate (now uses solo finale boss)
wave 7 swapped one soldier boss with boss from intermediate mission
Added new dynamic element: the MOM (money or medicine). The item spawns on the catwalk near the 1st cp and enables on wave start. When carrying the item, it acts as a level 1 dispenser with an effective radius of 256hu. Once dropped, it becomes an automatic money collector with an effective radius of 320hu. If the intel is dropped when the 1st cp is capped, it is teleported to a new location behind the 2nd cp. If it is being carried when the 1st cp is capped, it will not be teleported. The pickup radius is set to 64hu with a pickup delay of 3s to reduce unwanted pickups when maneuvering or attempting to drop the item near your partner.
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble