I might be going a smidge crazy.

redone roof & some lightning changes
Okay I lied a bit
I did a bit of Tomfoolery

The backlash in the last version has caused me to more or less revert some of the changes on the map:

- Points No Longer Lock
  • Points can be Recapped
  • Sudden Death Removed
  • Points now guarantee wins again
  • No More Text explaining map logic

The next version of the map is going to be Beta 1: So I say this now, If you got any feedback at all or what have you lmk now so I can account for it in Beta 1.

Thank You again for listening to my ramblings
till next time Cya!
This be it
The Final version before Beta. Excited as all hell and also nervous
Can't wait for yall to see B1 :)

This version heals you if you happen to make it to the failstate and also it destroys buildings to engi's can't cheese it anymore

Thank you!
Pushed Up the Anti-Stalling Timer (Triggers after 2 minutes instead of 3)
Changed Up Respawn points on A Point
Clipping & Skybox brush changes
Change 2 textures so make it more obvious

were nearing beta and the next version might be the last in alpha (?)
so please give me all your juicy feedback plz
Hello Everyone!
I'm gonna keep this dev diary short because I am eating breakfast. But long story short. New Version of Larur! Adding in 2 new Features! Let me walk you through em!

Points Locked until X amount of players is killed:
Pretty Simple. A Problem that occurred is that people bum rushed the points but this defeated the point of the respawn mechanic because no-one had died yet. To prevent this I have added a counter that counts the number of Player deaths and works accordingly to tally it until it hits a threshold where therein the points unlock.

Anti-Stalling Failstate Stop-Gap
This is gonna be a controversial change to say the least. When the game stalls too long it will now throw everyone into a death arena that they are guaranteed to die from if they don't hurry it up. I probs should've just added a timer to the map and I'm not sure what the critical reception is gonna be. Lets see. Here's some development screenshots showing me going crazy tryna get both features working:


Few Other Changes:
Sock Skybox No More - Different Ground textures - Some minor changes

Thank you to everyone who's playtested so far and for all the warm reception to this map! We are nearing the end of the alpha for this map and as we do I am implementing the last of the features. Thank you to everyone. See ya in a9
New Respawn Sound Cue
People Who Respawn Receive Uber
New Message that provides info on the gamemode
Made points lock on cap and removed their ability to cap
fixed pixel clip

Do you like these changes? Let me know!
Hello Again! This is the brand spankin new update for larur! This time we have a whole host of new changes and finally fixes. I'm confident in saying that map is reaching a point gameplay wise that I am satifisified with! The curious case of this maps logic is almost cracked and the map is better than ever. The map's development lulled a bit around a5 but I think the momentum has finally started rolling again! I'll take you through the changes!

New Respawn Points
The Points now respawn you at the respective point you captured them in. So lets say your Red and you cap A then your dead teammates get respawned at A instead of at Mid. Now I have to state something: The Respawn mechanic is STILL not fully complete yet. You can win the game by capping points which isn't what I want and ontop of that the points are suppose to lock after you cap them. Brokk had a great idea to open the points after a few people die but I'm not entirely sure how to implement this so any help in the matter is appreciated!

New Accessibility Options
The crate jumps on the map have been removed and replaced with way more convenient stairs in there place. I hope this allows for better rotations on the map and also a map that is not so geared towards classes like scout or soldier or demo or what have you.

Health Kit Changes
This is actually a change from the previous version but I thought I'd just list it here. The map has had a whole host of its health and ammo packs changed and they no longer respawn once picked up. This is to prevent someone from just camping one spot with a pack of whatever.

Final Thoughts
Very Satisfied with this version and stoked to bring more in a7. I think people are gonna like this version and despite the road ahead the map is closer to my vision than ever before. Thank you all for reading and have a good one!

also new Nails! Hell Yeah!
Shit was fucked yo
Don't play a5 if you have it major bugs are present within that version
Not too much to explain in this update. More health kits, Stairs replacing the prop jump to middle roof & a fix to a MASSIVE EXPLOIT on this map that allowed you to spawn in the middle of the map immediately before the game even started.

Not looking forward to the feedback page on a4

A6 gonna be a good one :)
Cya have a good one
Hello! Another version of larur is out! This version brings minimal to no differences in the map is except now the logic has been switched out. From the faux 2CP Arena logic to temporary 2CP logic borrowed over from Byre. I do not believe this change will be permanent on the map but until I can figure out to make Faux 2CP logic with respawn mechanics work without the problems it generates It will remain this way. This update took longer than I wanted to but its out now. This is A4

Respawn Mechanic
If you see below you will see a new temp hud that I whipped up in this version. When a team caps a point their team respawns. The point is supposed to lock after but I can't get it to work properly. If anyone knows how to do so in Hammer let me know. The teams are also suppose to respawn in the respective capped point but I couldn't get it to work so for now they spawn in the centre of the map.

That concludes the dev diary. Every other change on the map is a quality of life change or something I stated I was gonna change in the last version. When tested this will probably turn into a complete disaster but lets see. Known issues are the missing hud textures that appears before the game begins. Logic isn't 100% also. Okay that's all for now. Hope to iron alot of this shit out in A5. Till then if you want to help in anyway hit me up. Thank You for your time, bye