This is an update focused on nerfing snipers, reducing vertical scaling, and making areas feel less cramped.
- Reduced height difference between the control point and the low-ground
- Reduced height difference between the control point and the ledge above
- Removed one sniping vantage point
- Added more cover to the control point
- Added props to allow players to jump up from the control point to the ledge above
- Added displacements to the low-ground at mid and an area in the backline
- Expanded the building near the control point
- Expanded the left and right routes from spawn
- Moved spawn further back from the control point
- Enclosed the area immediately outside of spawn in a large building
- Removed the tunnel under the control point, as well as the health-kit contained within
- Added ramps to the paths under the control point, allowing flankers to head directly to the other side of the point from their right side
- Shuffled health and ammo all about
- Added an additional window to the building next to the control point