
koth_placeholder 0.4.0


  • Asked the announcer to start speaking more ( Fixed her not speaking at all )
  • Added some props behind the stairs in the building at mid
  • Added some SFX around the map
  • Made even more changes to sniper sightlines by replacing a fence with a rock
  • Replaced some rocks with their mirrored versions
  • Added on a sign with the team's names on top of their respective spawns
  • Added some light around mid
Changelog :

- Performance :
  • Fixed func_details being everywhere
  • Put the diagonal buildings in hint jail for their heinous crimes
- Gameplay :
  • Added a building to hopefully make mid more focused on
  • Added two fences next to mid to nerf sniper sightlines
  • Added a fence next to the diagonal building to nerf sniper sightline
  • Replaced the fences on the building at mid with roof vents
  • Kindly asked the shadows to be brighter
  • Added some props in the building at mid
  • Changed spawn stairs layout
- Miscellaneous :
  • Added props around the map

- Fixed faulty compile
  • Clipping adjustments
  • Fixed blu flag clipping into the tower wall
  • Z-fighting fixes
  • Added rain
  • Added an extra resupply cabinet to spawn
  • Moved front exit resupply cabinet closer to the door
  • Moved "We do not care about your safety" overlay
  • Minor prop adjustments

  • Added an awning on the side of the diagonal building
  • Tweaked the lighting on the map
  • Replaced the arrow decals with the battlement signs used by Valve
  • Changed the stair inside the diagonal building to fix buggy collision
  • Made the fence on blu side metal
  • Added some clips around the map to make traversing easier by not getting stuck on things
  • Added a cubemap on the top middle of the building next to mid

  • Added some cubemaps around the map
  • Made the map compatible with the tf2maps servers's feedback system
  • Added some missing ground
  • Fixed the sudden cutoff with the stone and mud at mid