
koth_obryva a4

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koth_obryva a4

Standard KOTH map but with a CRAZY death pit

The Grongle has finally entered the mapping scene for real. This is a KOTH map set on a cliff, so expect airblast-happy pyro players to try to push you off the control point.
the grongle
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. alpha f o u r

    i fixed a particularly nasty sightline and added a little ramp for rollouts in spawn yard, but its mostly a visual update. added displacements in some places and the buildings are now more detailed
  2. alpha 3

    added some detailing and tried to address some sightline issues + changed underground area below the point (just a little bit)
  3. alpha 2 babyyy!!!

    yeah baby.., its time to alpha the two. made some layout changes, notably moved the spawn so the flank is more accessible now and added a bit more highground